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"Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances." - Maya Angelou

Joachim Frey

Joa Frey, electric guitars & vocals: The Zurich guitarist can be heard in a wide variety of formations from the Zurich area, whether as leader and composer of the “Driftwood Quartet” or as a sought-after sideman in jazz and groove bands such as Den Dala, muralim, and m.o.r.i., or with the emerging pop singer Lagioia. In September 2022 Joa completed his jazz studies at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, studying with Dave Gisler among others. Joa teaches electric guitar at the Kantonsschule Küsnacht, Zurich.

Featured on

LITHA - Jazz Thing Next Generation Vol. 100
Driftwood Quartet